Join us

Support us! Join us as a member.

At Calder Valley Community Land Trust, we believe everybody should have access to a good quality, affordable home and community spaces that help us to thrive. We’re working hard to deliver this in the Calder Valley – but we can’t do it alone.

As a Community Benefit Society, we need the voices, experience and support of our community to make sure that our work genuinely meets the needs of people in our area. If you’d like to work with us, there are lots of
ways you can get involved.

Become a member

Our members guide and shape our work, supporting our Trustees to make decisions that benefit our whole community. When you become a member, you will have the opportunity to vote on key issues and have a say in how we run. Membership is open to everybody who supports our work with a £1 share.

Join and pay online here, or print the image lower down the page.

For more information here are links to:

We are constituted under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, as a member-controlled organisation.

Share your skills

We have a number of panels and working groups that drive
forward specific projects or areas of work. If you have skills,
knowledge or lived experience related to our work, we’d
love to hear from you. We have lots of exciting projects that
you can play a key role in delivering.


We don’t work for profit and rely on donations and funding to deliver our work. If you’d like to support us, you can donate any amount, large or small, at any time. You could also choose to give in other ways, such as a bequest or donations of property and land. Your kind contribution will make a huge difference and help us to continue to deliver local solutions.
You can donate online here or email:

Get in touch