Drawings and plans for High Street, March 2017
We held a consultation report-back meeting on Sat March 25th in the Hebden Bridge Methodist Church hall, when our architects reported on what they have been doing since our Jan 14th consultation.
This post includes several of the drawings and plans shown at the meeting. Important!: Please bear in mind that this is still work-in-progress. Plans are likely to be amended (although probably not to any significant extent) in the weeks ahead.
Here is an idea of how, at the moment, the new development might look. (This would be the view from the Horsehold road).
Here is a PDF showing the site layout. The proposal is for road access at the N side of the street (more or less on the line of the current tarmac lane), with parking at the end (east end). The houses will, in classic HB fashion, be over- and under-dwellings. There will be one bedroom flats on the ‘ground’ floor, all facing out towards the south. They will have their own pathway giving access, on the south side of the buildings. Above will be two- and three-bedroom flats, accessed from the road side.
Here is a plan showing provision made for access by emergency vehicles.
Here is a drawing showing how the south side (Bridge Lanes) might be landscaped. The CLT is keen to develop a community gardening group for the land.
Here is one possibility for how the interior layouts of the one-, two- and three- bedroom flats might be arranged. There is a desire to ensure that one-bedroom flays could if necessary beconverted to 2-bedrooms, by means of a simple partition.
Here is another plan, this time showing the way the flats could look. The proposal is to investigate off-site construction (ie use modular buildings).
This page will be updated regularly, as plans get closer to being finalised.