by admin | Jul 22, 2017 | Archives
The trustees met for an ′awayday’ on the first Sunday in January, and among other things discussed the CLT’s approach to allocations. This is not an immediate issue at the moment, but one which will obviously be really important when we have our first homes built and...
by admin | Jun 22, 2017 | Archives
…was to complete massive quantities of paperwork from Homes England (previously Homes & Communities Agency) to enable us to apply for ′Registered Provider’ status and to draw down government grant funding which is delivered through Homes England for new affordable...
by admin | May 22, 2017 | Archives
You may have seen site investigation work happening on the land off Heptonstall Road (the former High Street) where we hope to build 23 new affordable homes. We have commissioned surveys to explore the underground make-up of the land, slope stability and drainage....
by admin | Apr 22, 2017 | Archives
We will be meeting in the Waterfront Hall in Hebden Bridge’s Town Hall (We were originally hoping to meet in Todmorden (we like to do these things turn-and-turn-about) but the obvious venue the Fielden Hall was already booked and we have failed to find anywhere else...
by admin | Jan 23, 2017 | High Street - Hebden Bridge
About fifty people came along to our consultation, held in the Methodist Church hall on Saturday January 14th. A full report of the event, including details of comments, concerns and issues raised, can be consulted here.