CVCLT Enterprise Ltd

Our social enterprise to deliver an Enterprise Centre for Todmorden & support our charitable aims

CVCLT Enterprise Ltd (CVCLTE) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Calder Valley Community Land Trust Limited.  CVCLTE is a social enterprise delivering our non-housing community benefits.

CVCLTE’s activities will support our local economies, with any financial surplus passing to CVCLT to help deliver our core mission of providing quality, sustainable, affordable homes in the Upper Calder valley. By holding our non-housing activities in this separate company we will protect the homes that CVCLT owns from any financial risk from our commercial activities.

We will initially focus on delivering an enterprise centre for Todmorden at Ferney Lee, due to be completed by Spring 2026. This is part of the £17.5M Todmorden Town Deal investment programme led by Todmorden Town Deal Board.

The enterprise centre will provide a home for 21st century jobs in Todmorden. The lack of affordable and modern business space has been a theme in local consultation over the last decade.  The centre will attract new businesses to the town and help retain existing businesses that may have been forced to re-locate elsewhere. 

Sustainability is at the heart of our designs for both offices and homes. High levels of insulation, renewable energy and respecting nature are key elements of this project.

In the future, CVCLTE could undertake a wider range of social enterprise activity for CVCLT to support our local economies.



The objects of the Company are:

  1. To maintain and manage an enterprise centre and engage in other commercial activities.
  2. To promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment.
  3. To carry on for the benefit of the community the business of providing housing and any associated amenities for persons in necessitous circumstances upon terms appropriate to their means.
  4. To support the work of the charitable society Calder Valley Community Land Trust Limited.


CVCLTE’s full Articles of Association can be viewed here.


The Company has the power to do anything which is incidental or conducive to the furtherance of its objects, including:

  1. to seek and apply for funds, and to receive grants, donations, endowments, sponsorship fees, subscriptions and legacies;
  2. to borrow or raise or secure the payment of any money for the purposes of the Company and to mortgage or charge any part of the Company’s property as security for borrowed money;
  3. to enter into contracts with development partners and others;
  4. to enter into any contract with the parent society which is considered beneficial to the Company, provided that any such contract (other than one entered into in the ordinary course of the Company’s business) shall be committed to writing.

CVCLTE Directors

Melvin Coleman, Director, Secretary.

Simon Brearley, Director

Sally Hinton, Director.

Dai Larner, Director

    CVCLT Enterprise Ltd

    Unit 25, The Town Hall, St George’s St, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7BY.

    A Company Limited by Guarantee. Company no. 14902739. Incorporated 30th May 2023. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Calder Valley Community Land Trust Limited