Brunswick Street

Transforming our heritage into sustainable living


Hebden Bridge Town Centre

“I was told by the estate agents that my house would likely become an Airbnb. I didn’t want that to happen.”

The previous owner

CVCLT is committed not only to creating new affordable housing to rent but also maintaining our historic homes – and retrofitting them to the highest environmental standards we can.

In April 2024, a two-bedroom terraced house on Brunswick Street in Hebden Bridge was bought by Calder Valley Community Land Trust. This was enabled by the previous owner wanting to sell the home in a way that would turn the property into an asset for the local community.

This house has now been transformed into an affordable rented home, providing a secure and affordable tenancy, enabling 2 local people to put down roots and plan for their future.

See what we have done to the property.

The starting rent will around £115 per week (£500 per month).

View our progress:

 2nd August 2024 Retro-fit project update.

13th August 2024 Retrofit project update.

10th September 2024 Retrofit project update.


Brunswick Street Open Day 22 June 2024 – before work started

Brunswick Street 16 August 2024 – work well underway

The Social impact story

The Brunswick story comes from a philanthropic owner who wanted to do something good for the town:

“When I decided to sell my house, I was told by the estate agents that it would likely become an Airbnb. I didn’t want that to happen. There are so few affordable rented homes in Hebden, and I’d been aware of the CLT’s work so got in touch with them to discuss what might be possible.

I believe that we as a society will all be better off if more of our assets are owned by the community. Selling this house to the CLT is one small step in that direction that was within my power to take.”  The previous owner

To make this happen we needed a lot of financial support. The Owner kindly sold the property  to for what they paid a few years ago.

We raised an interest free private mortgage over 21 years, Community Shares investment and grants from Homes England and Hebden Royd Town Council.

The result is significantly improved home for social rent in the centre of town.

Retro-fit story

A big part of CVCLTs purpose is to provide homes that are built or improved to the highest practical standards of sustainability.

We also want to provide information for others wanting to retro-fit older properties.

Brunswick Street is our first opportunity to do this for an older property. The work includes:

  • High spec new doors and windows throughout
  • Insulating and refurbishing the roof and chimney
  • Repointed the front elevation
  • Introducing internal wall insulation
  • Added wall vapour barriers
  • Replastered and painted
  • Insulate ceiling and floors
  • Installed a new, extra efficient boiler
  • Installing a new kitchen and bathroom

We will hold an open day to demonstrate the works that have been completed.